Foundations of International Migration Law


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International migration law is an important field of international law, which has attracted exceptional interest in recent years. This book has been written from a wide variety of perspectives for those wanting to understand the legal framework that regulates migration. It is intended for students new to this field of study who seek an overview of its many components. It will also appeal to those who have focussed on a particular branch of international migration law but require an understanding of how their specialisation fits with other branches of the discipline. Written by migration law specialists and led by respected international experts, this volume draws upon the combined knowledge of international migration law and policy from academia; international, intergovernmental, regional and non-governmental organisations; and national governments. Additional features include case studies, maps, break-out boxes and references to resources which allow for a full understanding of the law in context. • Broad coverage of relevant legal regimes across the chapters • Each chapter contains a list of key resources and key readings, allowing readers to explore relevant migration institutions, processes and databases • Clearly written chapters on non-specialist sources of IML, including a glossary of essential terms

Table des matières

1. Conceptualising international migration law Brian Opeskin, Richard Perruchoud and Jillyanne Redpath-Cross; 2. Contemporary patterns of international migration Richard Bedford; 3. Sources of international migration law Vincent Chetail; 4. Nationality and statelessness Ivan Shearer and Brian Opeskin; 5. State sovereignty and freedom of movement Richard Perruchoud; 6. International human rights of migrants David Weissbrodt and Michael Divine; 7. Refugees and asylum James C. Hathaway; 8. Women, children and other marginalised migrant groups Jacqueline Bhabha; 9. Human trafficking and smuggling Ryszard Piotrowicz and Jillyanne Redpath-Cross; 10. International migration by sea and air Natalie Klein; 11. International labour migration Ryszard Cholewinski; 12. International trade law and labour mobility Sophie Nonnenmacher; 13. Global migration institutions and processes Irena Omelaniuk; 14. Regional processes, law and institutional developments on migration Karoline Popp; 15. Emerging legal issues in international migration Gervais Appave; Appendix 1. Glossary; Appendix 2. Cases; Appendix 3. Treaties and other international instruments.