Whose Responsibility? A Study of Transnational Defence Rights and Mutual Recognition of Judicial Decisions within the EU
Une justice de qualité vaut son coût
Trust in International Police and Justice Cooperation
The implementation of the European arrest warrant in the European Union : law, policy and practice
  • Authors: FICHERA Massimo
  • ISBN: 9789400001725
  • Publication Date: 27/01/2011
  • Availability: Out of stock - available in 7 open days
  • 74,00 € 74.0 EUR
The European Union and Deprivation of Liberty - A Legislative and Judicial Analysis from the Perspective of the Individual
The European Arrest Warrant in Ireland
The EU Citizenship Directive - A Commentary - Second edition
The Architecture of Fundamental Rights in the European Union
Sa justice - L’Espace de Liberté, de Sécurité et de Justice
  • Authors: BOT Yves
  • ISBN: 9782802770664
  • Publication Date: 02/05/2022
  • Availability: Out of stock - available in 5 open days
  • 156,00 € 156.0 EUR
Regards croisés sur les droits des femmes en France - Quels enjeux et perspectives d'action?
  • Authors: Collectif
  • ISBN: 9782111576056
  • Publication Date: 25/10/2022
  • Availability: Out of stock - available in 7 open days
  • 17,00 € 17.0 EUR
Prohibition of Abuse of Law - A New General Principle of EU Law?
La justice pénale des mineurs en Europe - Entre modèle Welfare et inflexions néo-libérales
La dimension externe de l’espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice au lendemain de Lisbonne et de Stockholm : un bilan à mi-parcours
Justice, Liberty, Security - New Challenges for EU External Relations
Justice, Gender, and the Politics of Multiculturalism
Islam in Liberal Europe: Freedom, Equality, and Intolerance
Institutional and Policy Change in the European Parliament - Deciding on Freedom, Security and Justice
Freedom, Security and Justice after Lisbon and Stockholm
European Citizenship and Social Integration in the European Union