Media in Europe Today

TRAPPEL Josef , MEIER Werner A. , d'HAENENS Leen , STEEMERS Jeanette , THOMASS Barbara

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Description du produit


This book is written by media scholars from all over Europe who are members of the Euromedia Research Group. What unites the group is the joint interest of its members in the analysis of media structures and media policy in Europe against the background of contemporary communication theories and concepts. The book has two parts: First, it looks into structural changes in specific media formats such as newspapers, radio, television and online-media. Second, it analyses specific problems and challenges in a comparative way, such as the creation of public sphere(s), the relation between media and democracy, public service media, media regulation and media governance, challenges of media industries etc. The book addresses graduate students in mass communication, scholars and practitioners interested in reflecting main development trends.

Table des matières

The Media in Europe Today: Introduction Denis McQuail Comparing Media Systems: The European Dimension Barbara Thomass and Hans J. Kleinsteuber Newspapers: Adapting and Experimenting Anker Brink Lund, Karin Raeymaeckers and Josef Trappel Radio: A Resilient Medium Hans J. Kleinsteuber Commercial Television: Business in Transition Laura Bergés Saura and Gunn Sara Enli Online Media: Changing Provision of News Josef Trappel and Gunn Sara Enli Deficits and Potentials of the Public Spheres Barbara Thomass Media Serving Democracy Hannu Nieminen and Josef Trappel From Media Regulation to Democratic Media Governanc Werner A. Meier Media Industries: Ownership, Copyright and Regulation Elena Vartanova, Laura Bergés Saura, Jeanette Steemers and Stylianos Papathanassopoulos From Public Service Broadcasting to Public Service Media Leen d’Haenens, Helena Sousa and Olof Hultén Changing Practices of Journalism Aukse. Balcytiene, Karin Raeymaeckers and Elena Vartanova Media and Ethnic Minorities Leen d’Haenens and Tristan Mattelart Europe as World News Leader Jeremy Tunstall