Transformations of Work - Challenges for the Institutions and Social Actors
Trademarks and Brands in Merger Control
Too sick to work? Social security reforms in Europe for persons with reduced earnings capacity
The law of the European Union and the European Communities
  • Authors: Collectif
  • Publisher: Kluwer Law International BV
  • ISBN: 9789041154118
  • Publication Date: 01/11/2018
  • Availability: Out of stock - available in 10 open days
  • 189,00 € 189.0 EUR
The Role of Financial Stability in EU Law and Policy
The Role of Economic Analysis in EU Competition Law: The European School, Fourth Edition
The Quest for Environmental Regulatory Integration in the European Union: Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, Environmental Impact Assessment and Major Accident Prevention
The New EU Judiciary. An Analysis of Current Judicial Reforms
The Market Economy Investor Test in EU State Aid Law: Applicability and Application
The Limits of Competition Policy: The Shortcomings of Antitrust in Developing and Reforming Economies
The Legal and Institutional Framing of Collective Bargaining in CEE Countries: Between Europeanisation and Decentralisation
The Impact of Environmental Concerns on the Public Enforcement Mechanism under EU Law
The European Union Legal Order after Lisbon
The EU Leniency Policy
The EU Issuer- Disclosure Regime: Objectives and Proposals for Reform
Structure and Effects in EU Competition Law - Studies on Exclusionary Conduct and State Aid
Sixty Years of EU State Aid Law and Policy - Analysis and Assessment
Regulation of Subsidies and State Aids in WTO and EC Law: Conflicts in International Trade Law
Regulating gas liberalization : a comparative study on unbundling and open access regimes in the US, Europe, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan
Regulating Competition in the EU