Critical Theories of Crisis in Europe - From Weimar to the Euro
Deepening EU-Georgian Relations - What, Why and How?
Deepening EU-Moldovan Relations - What, Why and How?
Deepening EU-Ukrainian Relations - What, Why and How?
EU, Europe Unfinished - Mediating Europe and the Balkans in a Time of Crisis
The European Union in a Reconnecting Eurasia - Foreign Economic and Security Interests
Towards an Imperfect Union - A Conservative Case for the EU
49 Myths about China
A Concise History of Modern Europe - Liberty, Equality, Solidarity - Third Edition
A Europe of the Air? The Airline Industry and European Integration
Banking Union as a Shock Absorber - Lessons for the Eurozone from the US
Confronting Crisis and Precariousness - Organised Labour and Social Unrest in the European Union
Demystifying the European Union: The Enduring Logic of Regional Integration
EU Cohesion Policy in Practice - What Does it Achieve?
Europe in Emerging Asia - Opportunities and Obstacles in Political and Economic Encounters
European Foreign Policies: Does Europe Still Matter?
European Integration A Political History, Second Edition
Europe’s Untapped Capital Market - Rethinking Financial Integration After the Crisis
Global Governance Diplomacy - The Critical Role of Diplomacy in Addressing Global Problems
Historical Dictionary of Brussels - Second Edition