A New Architecture for EU Gas Security of Supply

GLACHANT Jean-Michel , HAFNER Manfred

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Is the EU on the right track to meet its stated objective – a true European energy security policy? Is the current architecture on which the EU gas security of supply policy is built able to deliver those responses needed in order to meet the growing risks and changing realities EU gas security faces? How should European institutions and regulation adapt and respond? What tools are available to secure gas supply? This book feeds these questions by taking stock of today’s EU gas security of supply governance. It is based on the four-tier program ‘A New EU Gas Security of Supply Architecture’ organized by the Loyola de Palacio Chair (LdP) together with the Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP), the Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei (FEEM) and Wilton Park Conferences (WPC) that took place in 2011.

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